"Hey," says LeBron. "Like to talk to Michael."
"This is Michael," says Michael. "You sound familiar.
Who's this?"
"Who's this? Come on. It's me."
"Okay," says Michael.
"L. J. Gold Medalist. L. J. NBA World Championship Ring, L.J. MVP. Who'd you think. See me in the papers this morning?"
"You?" says Michael. "If this is LeBron then yeah, I saw you. With the Shoes? And by the way, I got a Gold Medal too. And World Championship Rings, if you forgot."
"So," says LeBron. "What do you think about My Shoes. LeBron James Nike Plus X."
"Hey, if you forgot, I got shoes too."
"Well, of course. I know. You started this whole Shoe Thing. Air Jordans. But mine are more expensive than yours."
"Yeah, so," says Michael.
"Kinda makes me a bigger deal, don't you think? No way I'm selling them cheap. People'll think I'm a real loser."
"Why don't you just sell them at $1,000 a pair. Go crazy?"
"Come on, that's too much. Guys buy my shoes can't do that, but they say we can squeeze $300 maybe $350 out of them. They're buying a piece of me. What can I say. They want cheaper shoes, they buy AJ's."
"Air Jordans sell just fine, LeBron, okay. Wait. You want to talk shoes? Hold on...make an international call. Hello, is this Stephon? Stephon Marbury?"
"I know that voice. M.J. How you doing. Calling to congratulate me? Kinda late, we won back in March. Beijing Ducks, Chinese Basketball Association Championship. We beat Aaron Brooks and the Guangdong Hongyuan. I got my own ring now."
"Hello...Am I talking to Stephon Marbury?"
"LeBron? That you? Hey, the guy trying to muscle in on my shoe action."
"I'm worldwide," says LeBron.
"Yeah, I saw the shoes," says Stephon. "But you got it all wrong, my friend. Priced yourself out of the market. $315? You kidding. Kids around the world can get the same thing, Starburys, for $29.95. How's your shoes selling in Cleveland, by the way?"
"Selling real good...real good. They still love me there."
"Hold on," says Michael. "Let's call Kobe. He knows about shoes...Let's see if I still have his number...Hello, like to talk with..."
"Michael, Zup man. Been awhile."
"Kobe, I got somebody here..."
"Our man in L.A.," says LeBron. "We're the Gold Medalists. Showed the world, didn't we? Me making those shots in the fourth quarter against Spain."
"LeBron," says Michael. "It wasn't all that much in doubt. Chris Paul, Kevin D., Carmelo..."
"Kobe, did you see me in the paper this morning, jumping in my new shoes? Three time League MVP, and I got a ring, so I get the best shoes too. It's the right thing for Nike to do."
"I saw," says Kobe. "Shoes are okay, but expensive. I hate to say it, but those shoes are kinda...how can I say this?..."
"They're ugly, compared to my A.J's. "
"Pricewise, mine are the best of them all," says Stephon.
"Is that Stephon Marbury?" says Kobe. " 喂,你好嗎 "
"非常好," says Stephon.
"What?" says LeBron. "Did someone say my new shoes are Ugly? Come on, you guys are just jealous. Me, MVP, Gold medal. My shoes have LeBron X Dynamic Flywire Technology, Hyperfuse Construction, and the first full-length visible Zoom Air unit.
"And I got Nike to set a good price. Like a guy buying a car. He wants the Bentley. So everybody'll look up to him, not some $29.95 Ford Fiesta."
"Hey," says Stephon. "Kids want to be like me, over here in China. So my deal is to give them shoes they can afford. Kids might say you're the best basketball player..."
"What?" says Kobe...
"Say what?" says Michael.
"...But there isn't much respect. Everybody over here knows I'm no Kobe, or LeBron, but they got my name on their feet. They like me here. Kobe...They sure like you."
"Everytime I'm over there, I get huge crowds. It's surprising. Pretty cool."
"Okay," says LeBron. "I set the price. It's a test price. Come on, I...we...won the Olympics, so people should pay for what we did. I'm worth it. I won't get any respect selling cheap shoes. I should get respect."
"Hey, Come over here. My Duck's aren't afraid. You'll need more than some high priced shoes."
"Price'll come down," says Michael. "Like for my Air Jordans. Base was like $90, then they did tests. I got money up front, so I let the experts decide on price, and how they're marketed."
"Keds," says Kobe. "That's what I played in back in the day. Used pair matter of fact. It's how people look at you. How much you give back."
"I can't be selling shoes real cheap," says LeBron. "It's a reflection on me. It's a good deal. I get a percentage of sales..."
"You're kidding," said Kobe.
"Mistake," says Michael. "You forgot where you came from. What kid can afford them?"
"Guys, they want my shoes. Kids can't wait to buy them. They want to be like me."
"I got no problem with $29.95. I'm everywhere in China. I don't have to advertise either. How many would you sell without any advertising?"
"What's next L.J.," says Kobe. "Now that you got your shoe deal, what's next?"
"I'm thinking of getting Corvette to come out in a limited LeBron edition. Say $250 Grand."
"Live it up now, LeBron" says Kobe. "Lakers got the team now. Dwight Howard, Steve Nash, Gasol, Metta...Me."
"You guys just want to rain on my parade. I deserve better..."
"LeBron," says Michael. "I gotta go. We'll have to see how fast the price comes down."
"It's what I'm worth now. Highest price Nike's on B-Ball shoes."
"Okay, I gotta go," says Kobe. "See you guys, I gotta this thing at Cedars Sinai Hospital, with Blake Griffin, Chauncey Billups, and Dwight Howard...guys here in L.A."
"Yeah, me too," says Michael. "There's this midnight B-Ball League I sponsor. Gives young men something healthy to do at night."
"I'll see you guys," says Stephon. "I'm getting a metal from the local citizens group. That's huge over here."
"If you getting that kind of respect," says LeBron. "You gotta raise the price of your shoes."
"I don't need crazy expensive shoes," says Stephon. "I just need me."
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