Saturday, February 25, 2012


"Glad that's done," Says Carol. "I hate waiting 'til the last minute."

"I just figure," says Alice. "Since we also have regular jobs, we declare 50% of  our cash.  Government has bigger fish to fry, I'm sure."

"Boss is always looking at me, driving up in the Jag, me his legal researcher." 

"Guys at school just think Mommy and Daddy bought me the Mercedes."

"Alice, Carol, LLC,  will be okay.  Now for tonight, Jupiter is gone."


"Yeah," says Carol.  "He's down to Florida to see his folks. So we're on our own tonight."

She opens her laptop.

"So, I'm thinking," says Carol.  "We bone up on basketball, so we've got something to lead with.  There's a car race, Daytona, but I'm thinking basketball."

"Basketball, I don't know anything..."

"NBA All-Star Game is on Sunday, so..."

They sit together, Google, take notes.

And they are ready.  It's 7:30 on a Saturday night.  LeSwank Restaurant and Bar at The Airport Pan American Hotel.

Carol wears a Thin Red Skirt, and Red Boots.

Alice wears a Strapless Dress, her blond hair is down.

Both have thick purple eye shadow..

They find empty stools at the bar.  Carol orders two Martinis.  They cross their legs.

Two groups of guys sit within earshot,  .

One table, four men wear Brooks Brothers. The other, three young men just off the golf course.

Carol and Alice confer. 

"The older suits are probably on credit cards.  But the golf guys, might be easier?"

"Jupiter would know which group to work, you know," says Alice.

"Suits will be less physical, and more grateful that we're here."

"Let's just start and see who responds.  We'll go with that.  I guess."

They bump fists, and begin.

Carol's voices resonates. "I still think Jeremy Evans from the Jazz, is the best dunker.  Much better than Pao."  She waves her hand in the air.

"No way," says Alice. "Blake Griffin.  And he's way better than Dwight Howard.  Way better."

They look at their fingernails, and re-cross their legs..

Both tables turn, silent, and look at the two.

Throats clear, eyes blink, eyebrows rise.

"How about Derrick Williams?" says Carol.  "He's no chopped liver.  And what about Paul George.  Pacer's would be nowhere without him."

"How about Joe Johnson," says a Suit. "He can dunk."  He smiles up from the booth.

Carol looks over.  "Joe Johnson?   Maybe he's an All Star, but he has to show up for the game.   Now Kobe, he's always been All Star quality."

"It's really one long weekend ad for the NBA." says another Suit,  "They should include players from China, maybe Asian players, not X-NBA guys playing over there.  Make it worldwide." 

"LaBron can out shoot them all." says a Golf Shirt

And it was on.

"I think the larger teams pay off the refs, so the best TV markets are represented in the finals?  Why do you think LA has four of the five starters.  LA?  Big market?"

"Oklahoma will be in the finals.  They're a pretty small market."

"Teams that make it to the finals," says a Golf Shirt. "Are the best teams, that play the best when in counted, during the season."

"So," says a suit. "Do you also believe in the tooth fairy?"

"But..." says Carol.

A Suit raises his hand.  " All-Star game is not what it used to be. Used to be a real game. Players took pride in playing, instead of just trying to push a personal brand and playing basket ball when they have too."

"What?" says Alice.  Then to Carol, "I didn't read about this?"

"All Star Game is a joke, like the Pro Bowl. Players don't care. No one plays defense.  Dunks are all people want."

"How about a four point shot, from way, way, down town. That'd be good for the All Star Game.""

"Say something," says Carol.  "We're being shut out here."

"But, what about..." says Alice.

"I'll probably be watching the Daytona 500 anyway."  says another Golf Shirt.

"I think my wife see's herself as Danica Patrick."  He smiles.  "Did you see that crash she was in?  Not a scratch."

"I'm thinking Jimmie Johnson.  Ernhardt's probably the favorite." say a Golf Shirt.

Carol and Alice turn toward the bartender.  "This is getting way out of hand.  It's like we don't even exist?  Are these guys blind?"

"What are we going to do?" says Alice.

"Those guys have a death wish you ask me." says a Suit.  "I have a 6 am tie time tomorrow, early so I can watch the Golf .  They'll tell me who wins Daytona."

"Daytona 500?  Why didn't we Google that?  Say something."

"Danica is good, but there are other drivers..." says Alice.  Her voice no longer robust.

Each orders another Martini.

"This is hard," says Alice. "Jupiter does all this. Gets the guys."

"My son's a writer.  He's been doing a documentary, over in Thailand.  Called me
yesterday.  One of his friends is up for an Oscar.  That's tomorrow.  His friend helped write a movie called Margin Call."

"Oscars?  Damn, that's on tomorrow too?" says Carol.

"Did anybody see Moneyball.  Thought that was a good movie. A lot of baseball in it, but if you take that out, well..."

"Take out the baseball?"

"Here you go ladies," says the Bartender. " Compliments of the couple at the far end of the bar.

Both have butch haircuts.

"How can this evening get any worse?"

There is a buzz. A Suit pulls out his iPhone, as does two of the Golf Shirts, and both booths slide out.  They all rush for the exit. 

Both ladies hold their breathes. "They all have guns?" says Carol.  "What is going on?"

Ladies, you didn't hear?" says the Bartender. "Western Law Enforcement Conference,  It's all weekend,  here at the Hotel." 

"Nope, guess we didn't get the memo," says Carol.

They sit for a minute in silence.

Then decide to sit with he two ladies at the end of the bar.  They gulp their drinks, and laugh, happy,  for once, that the men they were trying to work, stay away forever.

Help comes from:
Google/Images, Wikipedia,

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